Reference/Research Help
Reference assistance, also known as research help, is available at all campus libraries in-person, by telephone, via email, or via chat. Librarians and library staff will assist users in locating library materials, using the library catalog and databases, and helping users find the information they need.
The library makes as many materials as possible available for checkout, including books, DVDs, magazines and journals, and technology items (laptops, calculators, cameras, and more). Materials can be requested from any campus library and delivered to another campus of choice. Your GTC ID card serves as your library card.
Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
Interlibrary loan is a service available at no charge to Gateway faculty, staff, and students. It enables users to borrow materials owned by other campus libraries or other libraries throughout the state. Contact a library staff member if you want to use ILL services. Gateway is a member of the WISPALS Library Consortium and has reciprocal borrowing privileges with other members. Gateway libraries do not place ILL requests for course textbooks.
Library Instruction
Campus Librarians provide instruction to classes and individuals in the use of the library's online services. Class instruction sessions are scheduled by the instructor using this online form. Librarians are also available for one-on-one research help by appointment. On our Help & Tutorials page, the library has prepared guides and videos that explain how to access and use the library Online Catalog and other databases.
Computer Resources
PCs, printers, and other computer equipment are available in each campus library. All of the computers include the Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Powerpoint, Excel, Access, and Publisher), several browsers, and some special use programs.
Group Study & Quiet Study
Need a place to work together as a team or group? Group study rooms are available at each campus library for this purpose. Each room offers computer access and reservations can be made to ensure availability for your group.
Printing is available in each library. Staff and students will need their GTC IDs or login information to print. The printers also allow patrons to copy, scan, and fax. Students and staff can download print drivers to their laptops and use that software to access wi-fi printing on campus. Resident library users will need to purchase a visitor copy card to use the printers. Detailed information about printing on campus can be found at this link:
Wi-Fi on Campus
All Gateway facilities offer wireless networking privileges to guests, students and staff. Visit for directions to configure laptops and mobile devices for wireless access.
Full library services are available to students and instructors involved in Gateway District Education Courses.
Obtaining A Library Card
Call, email, or visit any campus Library. You must provide the Gateway Student ID number found on your registration form and class assignment sheet, along with your name, address, and telephone number.
Borrowing Materials
Materials from any Gateway library can be ordered and checked out from the Gateway campus library of your choice. If a Gateway library location is not convenient for you, contact your local public library and request an Interlibrary Loan. Some items may be renewed one time, unless a hold has been placed by another patron. Also ask about our home delivery service if you are unable to physically get to a campus library.