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Policies: Library Policies

Gateway Libraries

Lost & Found

lost and foundStarting March 1, 2018, all lost and found items (including flash drives) will be immediately handed over to Campus Security.

Campus Security Contact Information:

Elkhorn Campus: (262)741-8208, Room 109 South Building
Kenosha Campus: (262)564-2208, M106 Technical Wing
Racine Campus: (262)619-6208, 103 Racine Building

Library Card

Gateway Students and Staff - The Gateway Student and Staff ID cards serve as the Gateway Library Card. Cards are not transferable. Staff and students do not have a limit for items borrowed at one time; however, restrictions may be imposed due to overdues and/or abuse of library privileges.

Gateway Alumni / Residents (Racine, Kenosha, and Walworth Counties) - Any alumni or resident 18 years of age or older may register for a Gateway Library Card. Two forms of identification are required, one of which must be a photo ID and the second must be a current (dated within 30 days) mailing showing name and current address. Library privileges include in-library access to resources as well as borrowing up to six items. 

Library users must present picture identification upon request by Library Staff.

Loan Periods

Loan Periods for materials from the GTC General Collection is: 3 weeks for books and 1 week for magazines and A/V materials. 

Circulation periods for other materials and collections vary. Fines and fees for overdue or lost materials may also be assessed. Ask at the Library Circulation Desk for information on loan periods and fines and fees.

Transactions over the Phone - Library staff will conduct renewals over the phone when an item(s) qualifies for renewal, but we will not share item information over the phone.  Library staff also cannot update your account information over the phone.  

Renewal Policy - Some items may be renewed once.  If the item has been requested by another patron, the renewal will not be permitted. 

Abuse of library borrowing privileges or other library policies may result in revocation of the patron's borrower card and/or use of library facilities and services.

Food & Beverages

Please be respectful of other library users.  Clean up after yourself, use sanitary wipes when necessary, and don't hesitate to ask Library staff for help cleaning up spills.

Collection Development Policy

Copyright Policy

Please read our copyright policy and view other information about copyright law.  Library patrons are expected to follow copyright law when using the library facilities and resources.   

Charges for Overdue and Lost Items

Reserve Collection:

$1.20 per hour for items checked out on an hourly basis

$5.00 per school day for items checked out on a daily basis

$30.00 maximum fine per item

Charges for Lost Materials

Borrowers will be billed for lost, damaged, or unreturned materials.  

The replacement charge for books is the cost of the book or $40, whichever is higher. An identical replacement copy may be substituted. The replacement must be in new or "like new" condition. 

The replacement fees for equipment and other non-book materials vary. Contact Library Staff with questions.